
Thankful {birth family visits}

As I mentioned in an earlier post, we recently met with Max's birthmom {L} and birthfather {S}.

We have met with L six times since Max has been born and this was the first time that I wasn't nervous before getting together with her.  I'm no longer wondering whether or not she thinks I'm a good mom to Max.  I know in my heart that I'm doing the best job I can {with the Lord's help} and I've had the sweet gift of her telling me what a great job both Wes and I are doing.  

I will say that I was nervous how Max would respond to L and S.  He's going through a "stranger-danger" stage right now, and although they definitely aren't strangers, we haven't seen them since last November.  

I had nothing to worry about.  The loaf of bread won Max over...

I often wonder if he recognizes something familiar about her too.  I so wish I could get inside his brain... 

We were thankful that we got to spend some time with S during this meeting.   


After a visit, I always have a wide range of emotions...

I'm humbled as I'm reminded what a gift we were given when L chose us to be Max's parents.  Seeing the people that gave you that gift, face to face, allows you to never take that gift for granted.

I'm overwhelmed.  As Max gets older and begins to have questions, I wonder how we will answer him.  I don't know what those questions will be, but I do know that we can trust God that he will guide us in each and every conversation we have with Max.  

Right now, we talk about his story, even if he doesn't understand everything.  It's good practice for us.  Although adoption doesn't define who he is, it is one special part of who he is.  

I'm happy and thankful that we get to make special memories with his birth family.

We fed tried feeding the ducks.  I'm pretty sure they are eternally full.  There were loaves of bread laying all over the place...

These two ducks clearly have had enough.

Linking up to the Open Adoption roundtable and this lovely lady.

a punk, a pumpkin and a peanut

10-4 Good Buddy linky party starts tomorrow.  Come join the fun!



  1. this post melts my heart. i LOVE that you guys have an open relationship with his birth parents!

  2. Beautiful!! Loved all the pictures! Feel like so few people feel comfortable posting pictures, for privacy concerns, but I just LOVE seeing them! So special!

  3. My parents adopted my youngest brother. He is now 19. It is an open adoption and although there were questions we as a family have been able to pass through each question with grace, mercy, love and kindness. I'm sure God will give you the same when Max begins to ask. Happy to be your newest member, found you through the link up.

  4. you are amazing. i dont know if i could deal with an open adoption but you sound so incredibly at peace with it. grateful to them for giving you your little boy. amazing is the word i can come up with. a.ma.zing.

  5. Abby!!! I just want to give you a great big hug! What a beautiful post you wrote. I'm so glad that your relationship with them allows for beautiful moments like this.

  6. I love this post! We did the international adoption thing, but I'm glad you are speaking openly and positively about meeting birth parents. Your little dude is adorable by the way!
