
Our Adoption Story

This is the short version...kind of.

I have always wanted to be a mom. When I married Wes, the desire to become a parent became even stronger. We waited a year and a half to "start trying" (spring break 2005). The possibility of being pregnant and starting a family together was so exciting.

Nothing happened.

Fast forward to January 2007. I took a pregnancy test the morning we were to go to a fertility doctor. It was positive. I canceled the appointment and was in complete shock. 2 days later, I took another pregnancy test. It was negative. Next day - blood test. Negative. I had what they call a chemical pregnancy. Whatever it's called, it's no fun.

November 2007 - May 2008 - 2 rounds of IUI. Nothing happened, but me being an emotional mess.

Wes and I felt God asking us to wait and do nothing. This was hard.

Fall 2008 - I started thinking about adoption. Wes wasn't thinking about adoption. I remember telling my mom when I was younger that I would like to adopt some day. I wanted to respect Wes. The last thing I wanted to do was pressure him into such a life changing decision. I began to pray that one of our hearts would be changed.

January 2009 - Our dear friends, Matt and Abby, (who, by the way, are responsible for the name of this blog) adopted a baby girl. Wes and I were able to see a real life adoption story and the blessings that come out of it.

August 2009 - Wes said, "Abby, let's adopt." Abby said, "Ok." Wes' heart changed.

October 2009 - Wes and I attended an informational meeting at Adoption Support Center in Indy. Matt and Abby's neighbors adopted two boys through this agency. Looking back, I can't even tell you our reasoning behind choosing this agency. We just went with it and trusted God that He would close the door if this wasn't where He wanted us. We loved the agency and decided to start the process.

January 2010 - A birthmom wanted to meet us. We found out that she was from the Gary area, but was in a rehab center in Fort Wayne. She would be having her baby in Fort Wayne. This for sure was the baby God had for us! We met her and the meeting went really well. She had it narrowed down to us and another couple. We were her #1 pick. The counselor said, "Birthmoms almost always go with their first choice. It's just to make sure that they made the right decision." She didn't pick us. That was a humbling experience and we would love to know the reason she went with the other couple, but we know that God had other plans.

February 2010 - Another birthmom had chosen us and wanted to meet us. She was having a boy that was due in April.

A few days after we were matched with birthmom #2, we got a call from the agency saying that there was a baby girl waiting for us at a hospital in Indy. I was so confused. After freaking out, praying and talking to Wes and my parents, I remember saying to the agency, "As hard as it is to turn this baby girl down, we really feel like we are supposed to stick with birthmom #2. We know it's not a guarantee, but we also know that God is in control."

We met birthmom #2, the dad and her 2 kids. Everything went very smoothly. We were so excited and couldn't believe this was really going to happen!

Sidenote: The couple that adopted the baby girl are friends with our friend, Matt's (mentioned earlier) sister. God is amazing!

March 2010 - Found out the 2nd birthmom was a scam. Once again confused, but trusting Him. At the end of the month, we were matched with birthmom #3 who was due July 3rd.

April 2010 - We met birthmom #3. We loved her and later found out that she loved us! Over the next few months we met with her another time, went to a few doctor's appointments and had quite a few phone conversations.

June 27, 2010 - Our birthmom was scheduled to be induced at 5 pm. During church that morning, we got a call from her mom saying that she was in labor. We got to South Bend around 1:00. At 5:50, both Wes and I were able to see our son, John Maxwell, come into this world. His sweet birthmom wanted a chance to hold him first. Although this made me a little nervous, I wanted her to be able to do whatever she needed to do to help her cope with this heroic decision she was making. Then I heard her say the words that I had been waiting for. "Max, would you like to meet your mommy?" With a smile on her face and tears in her eyes, this amazing woman gave me the greatest gift anyone on this earth could give.

We love Max's birthmom. We love our story. We love Max.


  1. Thank you for sharing your story - what a blessing!!

  2. God is Good!!!!!! What a great story. Because of Alicia we were able to know what was happening from the beginning and sent many prayers your way. He is a beautiful baby and I am looking forward to meeting him one day soon.

  3. Such a beautiful story. I'm crying. Love it. So happy for you three!

  4. I'm thankful that my god-sister has the most amazing tale to tell. I've been waiting for you to have a baby for as long as you have. And I really beleave in the Bible verse "Through God all things are possible". Now that you have sweet little Max maybe latter on you can open your home to Foster Care. I really beleave you have the love and care for kids in need. Love to all of you.

  5. Dearest Abby and Wes - - what a sweet, tender reminder of God and His will for our lives being sometimes 'different' from what we would have planned - - - but trusting His Heart - - and seeing His blessing. The blessing of Max TO you, Wes and your whole family - - and the blessing TO Max to have you as his parents. Surely God still moves in the lives of His children. We rejoice with you - Max is ADORABLE!!! Hope to see you all soon. Dottie and Pastor

  6. Thanks for sharing your story, It brought tears to my eyes to hear how you waited upon the Lord, and how he blessed you for your faithfulness. So happy for you that God has brought this wonderful child into your life for you to love and raise in a Godly home.

  7. What a beautiful story Abby!! And what a precious little baby!! God is so good!

  8. What a story of your faithfullness to God and His faithfullness to you! Your words "Max, meet your mommy" got me quite teary.
    We can't wait to see more of Max and watch him grow up (and tell him I won't be a bad mother in law, I promise:) )

  9. Abby....I never knew any of this!! That is so awesome!! It truly is a miracle any way you look at it!! God has blessed you guys abundantly!! It's all in His timing! And now you have this most amazing little boy! Congratulations! Love ya'll, Mandy

  10. Loved you story!! We have adopted 7 children and felt really that is the only way God had for us to be parents and were perfectly blessed with that and then God also blessed us with 2 birth children.

  11. Wow! Thank you for sharing your intimate journey! I have tears rolling down my cheeks! So happy for you...1ll 3!

  12. I had never read your story before! What a beautiful story! Your little man is precious!



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