
Sam's Story {the hospital}

Since the kid is almost 2 months old, I figured it was time to post some of Sam's newborn hospital pictures.
He looks completely different now, it's crazy!

Max and Sam were born in the same city, but in different hospitals.
Therefore, our experiences were a little different.
With Max, we were able to stay at the hospital over night.
With Sam, we had to get a hotel and loosely abide by visitors' hours. 
We would try to get there around 10 in the morning and leave after we fed him around 8 at night. 

Honestly, it was kind of like a vacation.
We ate out or Wes would go get us some food.
We did a little shopping for our surprise bundle.
We had two nights alone at a hotel.
It was a sweet, sweet time of rest before our new reality kicked in.

I remember feeling like I had no idea what I was doing.
There is something about being in a hospital that makes me feel insecure about how to be a mom.
I felt like I was being watched...not in a bad way, but maybe because of the situation.
People are curious and perhaps a little intrigued with this newly-formed relationship.

We learned quickly that Sam pouted his lip like a pro when he cried.
He loved his pacifier.
He was a crazy good eater.
And he loved to be held.


We were slightly nervous about our 2 hour car ride home, but the pacifier saved the day.  
We are so thankful for the time we were given at the hospital to love on and get to know our precious Samuel .


  1. Such a sweet and squishy face!! We weren't allowed to "stay over night" either,..but we were allowed to sit in the nursery as long as we wanted. It was weird having to hand over my drivers license every time we went to visit John...send Sam some love from out here in Cali!

  2. He is gorgeous! congratulations!!! :)

  3. I love every bit of this. Precious first days! What a blessing. So happy for you!

  4. precious!! I love it :) His hair is adorable!!

  5. I know everyone is using the same word, but it's the only word that comes to mind as I scroll through each and every picture of his newborn yumminess...PRECIOUS!



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