
October Baby? {Adoption Update}

Since our homestudy was completed, there hasn't been much to update you on about our adoption.

Until now.

We have been chosen by a birthmom.

But let me tell you the entire story because it's one more example of God's faithfulness.

We got a call a couple of weeks ago that we had been chosen by two birthmoms.  The adoption coordinator that talked to me only had info about birthmom #1.  We would find out about birthmom #2 later from another adoption coordinator.

This is what we were told...

Birthmom #1 is due Oct. 1.

Birthmom #2 is due this summer.

Birthmom #1 knows that we may go with Birthmom #2 and has some backups just in case.

Wes and I were obviously excited that something was happening with this adoption process, but we didn't like the possibility of having to choose between the two birthmoms.  While I know the answer is, "God has it all under control."  It's still a bit overwhelming to think about having to make that decision.

Our prayer was that God would make it obvious and close one of the doors.

Practically speaking, if we had to choose, we would probably choose Birthmom #2 simply because she is due sooner.  Who wants to wait, right?  If that adoption fell through, we would be able to go with birthmom #1.

God chose for us.

Birthmom #1 had a doctor's appointment and found out she is due August 31.

Not October 1.

Her due date is too close to birthmom #2 for us to be able to work with both of them.

So the agency asked us if we would be willing to stick with birthmom #1.

We said yes.

Thank you God for answering our prayer.

A possible October baby {by the way, have you seen the movie?} has turned into a possible August baby.

We've been through this process before to know that nothing in our adoption journey is guaranteed.  So, I'm telling you this, not because I'm 100% confident that it's going to happen, but because it's part of our journey to the child God has for us...

...and so you can pray for us.

Pray for the birthmom too and that sweet little baby.



  1. Wonderful news! God is so faithful.. I can't wait for you to get to hold your new little one soon!

    Brandy Jane mabel

  2. Wow! Very exciting!! You'll be in my prayers, as well as these expectant mothers.

  3. ahhh!! that's awesome! (and to be honest i'm totally jealous!) we are waiting on the review of our homestudy...but i know our time is coming soon. so happy for your fun news! :)

  4. Sooo excited and happy for you!!!!! Smiling from ear to ear for you and your family!!!!!!!

  5. How crazy that you had two situations at the same time! I'm glad that you can now focus on just one of them. I hope the time waiting passes quickly.

  6. I will be praying for your family and for birthmom & baby, how amazing to be chosen by two mom's at the same time! Our journey has been silent as well. (by the way, do you know if baby is a boy or girl?)

  7. Oh Abby - wow, wow, wow. An August 31st baby - so excited for your family to be parenting again. And praying for smooth everything in the process.

  8. So excited for you, Abby! Praying that God continues to orchestrate everything clearly!

  9. I am overjoyed for you and your growing family! As we're just beginning the adoption process, it's nice to follow along as others (you!) bring their new little one home. I'm praying for you!

  10. Wonderful news!!! That is very exciting! We were just recently approved after finishing our home study process... SO we are in the dreaded wait... Here is our adoption blog...

    Thanks for sharing!


  11. Oh wow! I'm a fellow adoptive mommy and found your blog through Top Mommy Blogs. Congratulations! We had a similar due date mix-up when we were matched. We were matched at the beginning of July and were originally told that our daughter was due at the beginning of September. A few days later, we were told that she was actually due at the beginning of August... just 5 weeks away! Besides salvation, adoption has been one of the biggest blessings of our lives. We cannot say enough good things about our experience and our agency. Praying for your family as you go through this second adoption journey!

  12. I love hearing adoption stories. When I was 18 I found out I was pregnant and I didn't know what to do. I am proud to say that I made the right choice for my baby and I placed her for adoption. Adoption is such a blessing for so many people! My daughter that I placed will be 2 in August, and I look forward to visiting her and her family. Is yours going to be an open adoption? I just think they are great; you can't have too many people that love you, and plus, it's nice to have the birthmom you can ask about her medical history.

    Congrats on your future addition to the family! If you ever want to ask me anything from my birthmom perspective, you can email me at astaheli@rocketmail.com. Good Luck!



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