
The Gift

I came across this picture today.  I'm so thankful that Wes captured one of the sweetest and hardest moments I have ever experienced.  

I am forever grateful to Max's birthmom for giving us the priceless gift of a 7 lb. 11 oz. baby boy.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her.  

We love her dearly.  

We pray for her daily.  

Will you do me a favor?  Please make it a point this week {or as long as you feel led to} to pray for birthmoms and their families.  There are moms at this very moment who have chosen adoption as the best option for their baby.  

Here are a few ideas to pray for.

* peace about their decision

* healing - physically and emotionally
* that they would have a loving support system
* that they would feel God's love for them

1 comment:

  1. I will keep you in my prayers and the all the others you have mentioned. You are all stronger than you think, and an inspiration to all of us (adopting or not). We all mommies (and daddies) and we're all in this together.



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